Guanxuan Wu

About Me

Guanxuan Wu is a second-year Ph.D. candidate (Comprehensive Exam Paper) and Graduate Research Assistant in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Arlington.

He is a member of SCOPE Lab and his supervisor is Dr. Allison Sullivan.

He has a broad interest in formal methods, software engineering, and applying rigorious mathematical methods to solve problems in PLSE.

Before UTA, he graduated from University of Washington with a B.A. in Mathematics.

Current Project

ACGN: Alloy Code Generative Network with Optimized Complex-Valued Abstract Semantic Graph


[2] Guanxuan Wu and Allison Sullivan. "AlloyASG: Alloy Predicate Code Representation as a Compact Structurally Balanced Graph." Accepted at ACM / IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) (Technical Track - FT, Acceptance rate 21%) [arXiv].

[1] H. Wu, A. T. Koru, G. Wu, F. L. Lewis and H. Lin, "Structural Balance of Complex Weighted Graphs and Multi-Partite Consensus," in IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 3801-3806, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3341992. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv]

Preprints (Assumed Failures) - I believe that all research works are failures until recognized.

If you want to refer these papers, use FailurXiv, to prevent it from being seemingly legitimate.


TA: CSE 4321 - Software Testing (Fall 2023)

TA: CSE 5360 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2022, Spring 2023)

Contact Me

Email: I will use this to catch spammers

or gxw6804 [at]